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Jim Kalkofen

Now’s the Time

If Forrest Gump was sitting on a park bench in Devils Lake, North Dakota, he might say, “My Mama always said in winter, people talk about spring fishing. In spring, it’s all about summer. In summer, they plan for fall. And, in fall, their heads are full of perch ice fishing talk.” Forrest is not…

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Ice is Nice; Devils Lake is Ready

Early ice fishing is happening on Devils Lake and the surrounding lakes. But, caution is strongly advised. Experts warn about ice all winter long. It’s the reason so many people prefer going with area guides. On this ice fishing mecca in north-central North Dakota, ice happens. With it come…

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Fishing a Favorite Spot

Like many of you, I am a visitor to Devils Lake. My first sight of this amazing fishery was in 1992 with the Professional Walleye Trail. As executive director, the goal of spreading the walleye gospel far and wide took the touring pros to some of the best lakes and rivers in North America. Not only…

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