It is to no doubt that essential workers have had made a significant impact to our community during the COVID-19 pandemic. Men and women put themselves at the forefront of a global virus daily to help assure the health and safety of our community. Showing gratitude, appreciation and support to these warriors is only a small token of ‘thanks’ given in return for what they put on the line for us.
Recently, Moore Engineering Inc. purchased over $500 in gift cards from two local Devils Lake Chamber businesses. Those gift cards were then given to frontline and essential workers as a show of thanks and support for putting their community first. By doing this, Moore not only supported a group of essential workers, they also supported the local economy through their purchases. With generous hearts, they hoped to put a smile on some faces, and also hoped that their deed would encourage others to think and act in the same fashion.
Fortunately, for the community of Devils Lake, Moore Engineering’s action did make a significant impact on one local non-profit organization; the Devils Lake Rotary Club. The Devils Lake Rotary Club recently purchased $2,000 worth of gift cards between 4 local restaurants; each restaurant netting $500. From that, six local businesses that employ frontline and/or essential workers were on the receiving end of the gift cards where managers were handed gift cards from each restaurant to give to employees as they wish as a token of appreciation for their dedication to the community of Devils Lake.
Like that of their predecessor, Moore Engineering, the Devils Lake Rotary Club is hopeful that their act of kindness and show of support to the community will encourage others to do the same; support local businesses and reach out to thank our essential workers.
If you or anyone you know is interested in doing something similar to support the local economy and/or essential workers, we encourage you to do so! Please feel free to reach out to the Devils Lake Chamber of Commerce for any help with ideas or assistance to move forward.
A special ‘thank you’ to the Devils Lake Rotary Club members for their generous contribution to the community: President Bruce Dick, President Elect Paul Bjornson, Secretary Nancy Lundon, And Treasurer Nancy Ratzlaff, Board members: Andy Lankowicz, Bob Hatten, Erin Wood, and Past President Julie Lamb.
Stay safe, stay healthy, and stay strong Devils Lake.